Friday, October 23, 2009

Jason Barnette – Tennessee DUI Lawyers

Jason Barnette of Barnette Law Offices, LLC in Nashville, Tennessee has recently garnered some very high reviews for his recent DUI

case work.  To review our former client comments, please visit



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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jason Barnette – Tennessee DUI Lawyer


Tennessee DUI laws are amongst the harshest in the nation. The allowable blood alcohol concentration is below .08% which means that if found driving a motor vehicle at or above .08% you will be arrested for a DUI.
Tennessee is what is referred to as a implied consent state, meaning if you are driving a motor vehicle on public roads within TN you agree to submit to a chemcal test if asked to take one by a police officer. If you refuse to take the chemical test you will automatically lose your drivers license for a 1 year minimum.
Don’t confuse the breathalyzer test from the roadside test administered by the police, you aren’t required to take the roadside breath test and will not be punished for politely refusing to.
In addition if pulled over for a DUI in Tennessee the officer will ask you to submit to a series of Field Sobriety Tests which are not mandatory. Your best move here is to politely decline to take these tests as very few people actually pass these and they will certainly be used against you in court.
If you’re facing a DUI offense in the state of Tennessee contact Jason Barnette at Barnette Law Offices, LLC – 615-585-2245 –

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Barnette Law Offices – Tennessee DUI Lawyers

header_duilawyer Tennessee DUI Lawyers

Tennessee DUI laws are amongst the harshest in the nation. The allowable blood alcohol concentration is below .08% which means that if found driving a motor vehicle at or above .08% you will be arrested for a DUI.
Tennessee is what is referred to as a implied consent state, meaning if you are driving a motor vehicle on public roads within TN you agree to submit to a chemcal test if asked to take one by a police officer. If you refuse to take the chemical test you will automatically lose your drivers license for a 1 year minimum.
Don’t confuse the breathalyzer test from the roadside test administered by the police, you aren’t required to take the roadside breath test and will not be punished for politely refusing to.
In addition if pulled over for a DUI in Tennessee the offier will ask you to submit to a series of Field Sobriety Tests which are not mandatory. Your best move here is to politely decline to take these tests as very few people actually pass these and they will certainly be used against you in court.
If you’re facing a DUI offense in the state of Tennessee contact Jason Barnette at Barnette Law Offices, LLC – 615-585-2245

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Barnette Law Offices – Aggressive DUI Defense

We at Barnette Law Offices zealously defend our DUI clients.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

DUI – No Jail

At Barnette Law Offices, LLC, we have a program wherein even if you’re convicted of a DUI or plead no contest/guilty, you can still avoid jail time.  Under Tennessee DUI law, even a first offesne requires a mandatory 48 hours in jail.  However, Jason Barnette, Esq., has represented many criminal defendants in the Nashville, Tennessee metro area and while they’ve plead to the charges alleged, they’ve not served any time in “jail.”

In our program, you can serve your time prior to the pre-liminary hearing in a facility which isn’t a locked down facility and which is safe.  Moreover, you can complete your victim impact statement and DUI classes while there.  More often than not, Barnette Law Offices can have you back on the road the same day of your hearing and with the minimum fine of $350.00.

Feel free to contact Barnette Law Offices, LLC, and it’s Tennessee DUI Lawyer Jason Barnette for more details at:

Barnette Law Offices, LLC

1800 Hayes Street; Suite 122, Nashville, TN 37203 – (615)585-2245 –

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